After a long fun summer I have moved back into my house and am thinking about sewing. Yay. It has been a long time. I was flipping thru some of my fav blogs today and found 'finish it up friday' over at
crazy mom quilts. I know I have lots of unfinished projects and think I am going to follow along with her.

Of course then I start to question what I really need to finish before I get to start something new. Obviously if it is cut (or some of it is cut) it has become a ufo and needs to be finished. But what if I have purchased the fabric and know the pattern but haven't cut anything, is it a ufo? I'm thinking it is only if it hasn't been bumped lower on my priority list by something I really really want to start.
The above picture is from a crazy long hike I took in Glacier Nat'l Park this summer with a 37 lb pack. Crazy!
Okay these are the 6 ufos I am claiming

This one I had some problems with some cuts I made when I didn't like the finished top so I need to do some head scratching then JUST DO IT.
This one I started two years ago. Man how time flies.
The zig zag I just made this spring and put the top away with one strip left to finish the top.

And Oh man, this one has been waiting several years to be quilted. I love the quilting part but I really hate making the sandwich. And I guess I will be doing that since I have not made any room for a longarm. Really did think I would have one by now.

Isn't this cool. It is an old top that a friend of mine was using as a table cloth. Anyhow she gave it to me to quilt. It is pinned and ready but I need to get some practice in before I start this one.
Hope you all have some finishes in your future.
Sounds like I make a lot of rules for myself and yup I do. Sometimes I follow them sometimes I don't